Just when we thought we had everything figured out, everything changed! As the boys grew older in 2008, they reminded us by their words, interests and actions that nothing in parenthood is predictable …thank GOODNESS! ...
From chocolate art projects on the couch to the discovery of sports, 2007 was a transition year. The boys learned that Daddy will no longer be so charitable with his patience in their transgressions and Kevin learned the wrongdoings grow more expensive when the couch is involved. ...
We hit a cadence in 2006. Having spent the last few years learning and adjusting to the new people in the family, this was the year we thought we had discovered the secret to success! ...
And then they were FOUR! Emmet came in 2005 and was truly, the cherry on the top of Sweeneyland. Everything became harder, more expensive and infinitely more entertaining. ...
Oh baby! Our lives changed completely in 2004 with the arrival of Master Liam. People warned us we had no idea …but we didn’t realize they were right until we discovered we had NO idea until he came. ...