A roller coaster of a year. The boys did a fantastic job at school and extra-curricular activities. We lost access to our home in Big Elk Meadows at the end of the summer and many of our friends lost their homes completely after the flood. ...
Serendipitous! 2012 put us right back on “Easy Street”. Moved in to the new house, our commute went from 35 minutes to 4 minutes. We took a trip out East, even making a quick stop in New York City ….ugh! ...
2011 was a year of big changes.-The boys entered first and second grade, respectively - a major change in academic stresses-We moved to a new city ...and spent the better part of 4 months living in "temporary" housingLiam received his First Holy CommunionOur achievements were all hard won, but by th ...
2010 put Samantha right on “Easy Street” when Emmet started Kindergarten. This left the house free from children Monday through Friday for nearly 7 hours! ...
In 2009, Liam started Kindergarten. Once again, everything was turned upside down as we did our best to grow accustomed to the fact that Liam would learn things over which we had very little control. ...